Hello Everyone!
I'm eleven months old today! Can you believe it?
I am getting busier and busier as the days go by and I have been LOVING the spring weather.
I am still a great sleeper, although when I am cutting teeth (I'm currently working on numbers 6 and 7) all of which have come in during the past two months, I don't tend to sleep very well. I also am fighting my second cold in the past month. The first one gave me my first ear infection and my mom is really hoping that this second one does not give me another one!
She likes it when we are all healthy and we just have not been very healthy around our house this past month. Mom says that is why there has not been much posting on the blog. I'm glad she let me on here to write my post so there would be something for you all to read!
Although we have all been fighting colds, I helped mom to get the house all ready and organized and cleaned to put back on the market to sell. We listed it on Monday, April 2, 2012 and are hopeful that someone will come along and love it as much as we have. Mom is always wanting me to help keep my room picked up in case someone wants to see the house, but I am not much help because I just LOVE to get out my books and toys and spread them out everywhere!
One of my favorite things to do these days is to look at my books. I enjoy all kinds, but I especially love my board books or books that have special textures in them where I can touch and feel them. I am really good at turning the pages all by myself too. I sometimes don't even really want to hear the stories, just look at the pictures, feel the textures and turn the pages. Mom and dad say that I'm a very good reader.
This is a picture of my favorite face that I love to make these days. I make it when I'm feeling determined or am having an especially good time. I wrinkle up my nose and breathe really loud, kind of making a "shh-ing" sound. It is loads of fun.
This little guy is named "Baa-Baa" and he is my FAVORITE. I got him when I was just a little baby and I have always loved to hold him and he fits just perfectly in my hand. He goes everywhere with me these days and is rapidly becoming a gray-ish color instead of a fluffy white. Mom keeps wiping him down but it doesn't really help. He makes me very happy and I just light up any time I hear his little "baa-baa" sound. Luckily my Nana has bought me some back-ups in case anything happens to my little buddy.
Although you can't really see them in these photos, my two top and two bottom teeth are really growing big and show when I smile or laugh. I'm becoming much more giggly these days and enjoy cracking myself up and being tickled by my mom and dad. My mom loves my laugh so much that she sometimes starts crying. I do not really understand that but it's okay. She loves me lots and lots, so I don't mind.
I enjoy chewing on everything, going for walks, reading books, playing and listening to music. Mom and Dad say that I'm a great eater. I'm getting better and better with feeding myself, but sometimes it is just a huge mess because I like to throw the food on the floor when mom isn't looking. Sometimes food with sticky textures gets my hands all messy. When that happens, I like to wipe my hands in my hair to clean them off.
One of my favorite things to do now is to point to things and have my parents tell me what they are. I especially love to look at ceiling fans, the mural on my bedroom wall, items on my shelf and out the front glass door. I especially love to stand in the front door and watch all of the life that is going on outside. I also love to play peek-a-boo and like to hide my eyes until my parents find me and say, "peek a boo!" I love it.
I have also taken a great interest in cats and dogs over the past month. I get very excited whenever I see any and have even been brave enough to try petting some. I love to try and talk with them too!
I can say "Mama" and "Dada" but "Dada" is by far my favorite word to say. I love to talk with my dad and have gotten very good at waving hello and goodbye to people too. It is fun.
I enjoy clapping my hands and was very excited and did a lot of clapping when in my very first attempt in the family's March Madness pool, my bracket won the whole thing! Mom and dad are making me save my winnings and put them in my college fund, but I don't care. I have bragging rights for a whole year! Way to go Jayhawks!
I love to go to church and Sunday school. I have made lots of friends and I enjoy playing with everyone. I am not walking on my own yet, but I easily pull up and stand on my own. I'm getting braver and braver as far as my reaching for things out of my grasp and getting myself there without falling down. I know it's just a matter of time before I'm running around here and then my life will be even busier! I can't wait!
I hope you all are doing well. I can't believe that the next time I post I will be one! Time flies when you are having this much fun!
* We had some technical difficulties with our internet this week, so while the photos were all taken on her 11 month birthday, this post has been backdated.