Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Two Months

by Sarah
Today marks the two month anniversary of us finding out about Luke's diagnosis. It's been two calendar months. Two months since we learned that our lives would forever be different than we had imagined and dreamed. Two months that have felt like two years.  For two months we've been climbing a new mountain straight uphill.  Two months of our lives that have been somewhat blurry as we've blinked through our tears. So much is different now.  I wonder what will be different two months from now...so much life to be taken in and lived between now and then...we are holding on tight.


  1. Relax in the arms of your Lord and ride the waves. There are lots of lifeboats to grab on to also.
    Love you,
    One of your boats

  2. Hi Sarah and Joe-
    I just rediscovered your blog through Facebook and am so happy I did. I am thinking of you through your difficult times and I know there are brighter times to come for you. I am so happy you have each other. Much love and lots of happy thoughts your way. Deirdre
