Here are some glimpses of Lily's playroom. One of the features on my list of ideal "would love to have-s" when I was looking for our future home was a formal living room. Not for formal gatherings, or use as a "show room" that you didn't really every use, but to use as a playroom for Lily. I really wanted her to have a space to play in that was not the main living area in our house. I wanted it to be nearby the kitchen and where we would be, but not necessarily have those rooms taken over by toys. I wanted her to have a place that was hers to mess up, play in, create in, and where her imagination could run wild. Our living room is not a super huge room (hence, hard to get great photos), but it is perfect for a playroom.

Many of the homes we looked at did not even have a formal living area, but our new home has one and so far, Lily LOVES it. (And so do I!) She especially loves it if we are in there with her. It's really cute, she will come and stand beside us and point to her playroom to let us know she wants us to go in there and play with her. LOVE it!
I have done nothing to it so far, other than move some of her toys in, but I have some big ideas for this space in 2013...
looking up at the top of the windows |
It has floor to ceiling windows, which are fantastic because it gives Lily a place to look outside and see what is going on in the world around her. She loves to watch the older neighborhood kids playing across the street, dogs walking by, passing cars, sprinklers, Christmas lights and birds in the trees. It seems that the window treatments were custom made several years ago and I'm sure are very nice, but I'm not in love with them, so that will be something that changes...
Our ceilings are all 12 feet high, which we love. Another feature we are excited about is every room has beautiful crown molding around the ceilings and doorways. Each room is finished very nicely. The house is painted in very nice, neutral colors, so we are not feeling desperate to change any of them, just excited!
The playroom faces east, so every morning it is flooded with beautiful morning sunshine...
Right now, there is a chair in there for adults (which is going to be moving to a different location soon) and also a giant cabinet that is filled with some of my pretty things which is also going to be moved to a different location very soon to make the room more kid-friendly.
Lily's "purse" hanging on the cabinet doors... |
I have ideas for new paint, wall decor, window treatments and of course some new toys for little Lily to play is crazy how fast kids outgrow their stuff! She is in no way "needing" new toys, we have a tub that I rotate her toys through as it is, but there are just some she prefers over others and she is growing so big so fast! Our little gal still LOVES reading her books. That activity never gets old! Thank goodness for libraries!
I have a feeling Santa will be bringing some items for this room as well! I'm very excited to make this room a special kid-friendly place to play. It will be fun to compare some before and after photos someday!
So far, we have been spending a TON of time in the playroom which has been a blast! We love that Lily enjoys playing in there too! It is wild how quickly this room goes from picked up (in the morning) to complete disaster (about 10 minutes after she gets in there)! *Note: These photos were taken before she woke up, hence it appears somewhat put together.