Friday, June 13, 2014

It's All Over But the Waiting...

After weeks of work, errands, preparations and to-do lists, Lily and I finally finished everything we could at home, and made our escape to the mountains to await baby brother's arrival at the cabin.  Joe stayed behind to continue working as long as possible and will catch the first flight west once THE call comes in.  Baby brother is due to arrive only four days from now, (FOUR!!!) but something in my heart tells me our wait may be a little bit longer than that, so counting down the days and minutes seemed a little bit easier to handle while breathing mountain air.  But then again, doesn't everything?

It is freeing to be as "ready" as you possibly can be in this sort of situation. Bags are packed, car snacks ready, playlists made for the car, car toys ready for Lily, baby gear clean, packed, organized and in working order... it is all over but the waiting.  So while we wait, we are going for walks, playing games, watching movies, eating pancakes, swimming, swinging, doing puzzles and trying to rest up for the big adventure ahead.  I'm savoring these last few sweet "Mommy-Lily Days" as we affectionately call them.  Our lives will never be this simple again...In a crazy way, my life feels like it is slowing such a beautiful way. 

I am lifting my eyes to the hills....

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