Sunday, February 3, 2013

28 Days of Loving Lily: Day 3 - How Much You Love Reading

Dear Sweet Lily,

We LOVE how much you love to read.  Ever since you were itty bitty, you have always loved your books.   You help us turn the pages, study the pictures, point out the various colors and creatures, lift the flaps, and have even started to show an interest in the letters on the pages as well!  You certainly have your favorites and opinions about what you want to read at any given moment.  Sometimes what was your favorite book -often re-read 4-5 times a few hours before, you won't want to read for several days, so it's hard to predict and keep up! Your current favorites are  Goodnight Moon, If You Give a Mouse a Cookie, Pinkalicious, any of the Sweetheart Fairies books, what we call your "prayer" books, and your "little" books.  We love to hear you telling us with your words what books you want to read.  I try to keep your books in rotation, but that is sometimes a full time job!

Throughout the day, you often bring books to me and want to snuggle in for some reading time.  I love to see what books you pick out from your shelf.  We have started going to the library to keep some variety in our options which has been a lot of fun and super budget friendly!  Your morning routine always starts with some reading time in your bed before we start the day.  You wake up, and we change your diaper, turn on some soft music, put you back in bed and you read books by yourself for about 30 minutes.  We have found that if we skip this step, you are kind of out of sorts for the whole morning, so obviously, you like it as much as we do!   When we bring in your morning cup of milk, we snuggle in the big chair together and read even more books before going downstairs.  Before you go down for your nap, we always get a few minutes of snuggle time in and read some more books before you drift off to sleep.  And then, before bed at night, we have another glass of milk and read several more books together before we tuck you in for the night.

Believe me, it's SUPER difficult to look over at the clock and realize its already past your bedtime because we could happily sit there with you reading all night long.  It is the simply the sweetest.

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