Monday, June 27, 2011

The Gift of Morning

The sunlight rising across my back yard and across my porch have been unexpected gifts for me this summer.  Not being a morning person, never before in my life have I been happily awake for so many early pre-dawn hours where I have gotten to watch the quiet darkness of night fade into the soft light of morning.  I'm grateful for my little gal, that she has awakened me not only to spend time with her in these wee hours, but in doing so has also opened my eyes to the beauty that has been lurking all around me unnoticed and unappreciated over countless years of mornings.  During these soft quiet hours of the day, Lily has helped me to appreciate and see the morning's gifts that God has been faithfully giving every day of my entire life...only I've been sleeping and rushing my way through them for years...missing everything.

I have missed sunbeams spreading across the sky, low rumbles of thunder, the fresh, coolness of day, gentle breezes, dew drops on grass, neighborhood quietness, fresh coffee in my hand while rocking on the porch, quiet times with God, inspiration, raindrops, bright colors of flowers awakening for the day, a quiet house, sweet sounds of a sleeping baby, time to myself, books to enjoy, oatmeal with fresh berries, time to read emails from friends, endless photographic opportunities, time to ponder my thoughts and organize our day, the peacefulness of being still before God and setting my eyes on Him...letting Him re-focus my thoughts and re-order my days...time with Him.

Mornings are where God renews his mercies and longs to whisper deep into our hearts.  I'm learning to not only receive but to appreciate this incredible gift he waits every morning to bestow upon me.  All this time, I have only needed to rise and receive it.  Thank you, God for your faithfulness in your offering, your patience in waiting for me to notice, your grace in forgiving my absence in all of these years of mornings, for your tenderness in opening my eyes, for my beautiful daughter who helped me to see and for your beauty in the details of the moments found only in these wee hours. 

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