The apple pie I made this year! Oh, and please disregard the toothbrush in the background...its what I use to clean my rings! :) |
Hooray! The day has finally arrived! It's Thanksgiving - the day all diets are cancelled and eating seconds is generally encouraged! I love Thanksgiving. However, recently it seems as if Thanksgiving has been boiled down to simply being the gateway for all of the Christmas madness to begin! So before things really get out of hand with the holidays, I wanted to take a moment to tell you that I am truly thankful for you. Even if I may not know you if I passed you on the street, I am thankful for you being willing to join me on this journey called life. Thank you for stopping by to visit here on the blog. I'm always beyond thankful for all of the comments and emails you all have offered over the past year as well as all of the kindnesses and encouragements along the way too. It has been a big year full of changes in my life and I appreciate your grace and patience with me as I have adjusted to being a new mama who stays at home. Finding balance for myself, time for my writing as well as prioritizing my time and energy remain some of my biggest challenges, but ones I aim to improve upon in the coming year. (I'm also
super excited for some big changes here at Lassoing as well, so stay tuned!) There is so much swirling in my head this evening, and this post is kind of all over the place, so I will sign off for now. Just know that I am so deeply thankful for you and am honored that you continue to take the time to stop by and visit. Feel free to say hi anytime and let me know you were here....but even if you don't, I'm still glad you came by!
Happy Thanksgiving!
"What we're really talking about is a wonderful day set aside on the fourth Thursday of November when no one diets. I mean, why else would they call it Thanksgiving?"
- Erma Bombeck, Forever Erma
Hi! :-) -Jason B (in Topeka)