Sunday, June 17, 2012

Happy Father's Day!

 Dear Joe,

It is not easy, this being a daddy.... yet you do it so well.

I see her eyes light up and smile burst forth when you enter a room or return home after a long day at work.

She thinks your jokes and dances and games are the greatest.

She seeks you out, to give you a little grin, or a special toy she has been carrying around.

She trusts you to keep her safe and hold her close.

You are always eager to see photos and videos from her adventures that day. 

You bring books she loves to life using funny voices and animal sounds.

You tuck her in at night showering her with kisses and snuggles.

You pray over her at night.

She speaks to you in her language and you always seek to understand her.

You show her the ways of discovery and exploration.

She enjoys her Saturday mornings with Dad.

Your heart never stops loving or praying for your little guy up in heaven...her big brother.

You are a daddy- pure and simple.

And you are a great one.  

Your children are blessed to have you in their lives.

You are a true partner in this journey of parenthood.

The life you provide us through the work of your hands and mind is a rich one, filled with joy, laughter, plenty, love and heavenly provision.

Yours is a life and a love that make a difference.

You are loved, adored and cherished beyond measure.

You are a godly example and a wonderful leader in our home.

Thank you for loving us as your Heavenly Father loves you- 

Happy Father's Day, Joe!  We adore you!


Your family (who loves you more every day!)