Wednesday, June 6, 2012

My Summer Bucket List

It is summertime! I don't know about where you live, but where we are, it has already become hot and muggy which led me to do some brainstorming about our summer plans a little bit...

When I think of summer, I always imagine it how it looks in magazines...pitchers of lemonade, a nearby a hammock, shimmering blue swimming pools, beachy reads, long afternoons spent having fun with friends, ice cream, delicious meals prepared with fresh produce or grilled on the barbeque.  Summers tend to be busy, packed to the brim with so many good things and this summer will surely be no different!  Lily is becoming more and more of an explorer and delight with each passing day, so I know this summer will be really special for us.

In true, list loving form, I have created a bucket list of ideas for things I would like to do this summer...not saying all of these will get accomplished, but it will be fun to look at from time to time and especially at the end of the summer to see how we did.  The list is in no particular order.  Some of the ideas listed are completely fun and do-able while others are mere wishes and without further ado, here it is,  

My bucket list for Summer 2012!

1. Sell our house!
2. Add a few more sustainable living habits
3. plant some flowers
4.  go on a real picnic
5.  Girl's Weekend!
6.  get a bird feeder up and operational
7.  feed the ducks
8.  play outside a little bit each day
9.  shop at the local Farmer's Market- more than once this summer!
10.  visit a petting zoo
11.  visit the real zoo
12.  learn basics of Photoshop Elements
13.  redesign Lassoing
14.  Earn my tanktop from the attendance challenge at Jazzercise (with a partner, attend 60 classes combined between June 1 and July 31- yikes!)
15.  Begin developing the habit of rising early to have some quiet time before Lily wakes up
16.  Go swimming with Lily at the pool
17.  Swimming lessons with Lily
18.  try and schedule a play date for Lily at least once a week
19.  work on my photography skills
20.  make three recipes that intimidate me
21.  Take a vacation
22.  Live intentionally- I have signed off from Facebook for the summer and am also not going to read or watch the news 
23.  Develop a meal planning technique that works better for our family
24.  try to be more intentional with coupon-ing
25.  watch the Olympics
26.  reinstate my personal sabbath times on Saturdays
27.  participate in a book club
28.  post regularly on Lassoing (ideal would be 2-3 times a week)
29.  write, write, write
30.  Read lots of great books!
31.  make some green smoothies
32.  live with expectancy rather than expectation - (ie cut way down on my to-do list making)
33. go on some double dates
34. finish a few projects I have around here (crafty and whatnot)
35.  Do some art with Lily
36.  eat a snowcone
37.  knock out at least half of the required CEUs needed to maintain my social work license (ie 20 hours)
38. plan fun social outings for Lily and myself at least once a week
39. participate in a bible study
40. ????

I am so excited to see what this summer holds for us. 

Thinking about summer has gotten me thinking about life.  It has been about a week now since I have signed off from Facebook and have not watched or read any news, and it feels great.  I have no idea what is going on and I feel more centered and present in my life and less anxious than I have in a long time.  There are habits of mine that need to be broken, while others need to be developed. 

So while I'm on this journey through summer, I'm looking forward to doing some good heart and soul work this summer as well.  One of the habits I long to cultivate is being a good steward of all God has entrusted to love, my family, my friendships, my gifts and talents, opportunities that come my way, our home, my body, my mind, our finances, my time...there is so much good to nurture there.  May there be life in these long, beautiful days ahead.

1 comment:

  1. Lily looks so cute in her little purple sandals! You will get a lot of use out of that water table - my daughter is 3.5 and still loves them (and I'm kicking myself for not buying one years ago!). Love the bucket list - looking forward to hearing what gets crossed off.
