Friday, July 22, 2011

A Fun Idea/Challenge

So...its been almost a year to the day since I placed the order for my fun camera.  I had been saving for over a year for it and i LOVE it.  It is an AWESOME camera, and honestly, when it arrived, I knew n-o-t-h-i-n-g about how to use it.  I had only a passion to learn and desire to develop my photography skills.  Here we are a year later, and I still love my camera.  Last fall, some friends and I took a great DSLR 101 class, and thanks to that, I know a lot more than I did a year ago- BUT- I still have a loooonnnnngggg way to go.  Every photographer I speak with says the same thing, "You learn more if you practice" and "Just keep taking pictures."  So...

A few weeks ago, one of my favorite photography blogs ( had a post saying that the amazing Ali Edwards was hosting a forum to encourage people to document (in detail!!) a typical week in your life.  It sounded exciting and the more research on her website and read past posts she had written about this project (she has done it for several years now),  the more excited I became about challenging myself to participate.  If you are familiar at all with Ali, you know she is passionate about scrapbooking in a really cool, digital, realistic, everyday way.  I am not -repeat- NOT a scrapbooker at all, but I love the idea of capturing memories and having snapshots of time of your life and those beautiful, special, ordinary moments you live that often fade as time passes.  Especially with Lily being so little, I want to always remember what these days together are like.

I have decided (as of right now, I could change my mind) to do my documenting here on the blog.  For this time around, I'm thinking that will be plenty for me- I am comfortable using blogger and feel like figuring out my camera all day long -in addition to hanging with Lily - will be plenty of a challenge for me without taking on trying to learn photo editing, layouts, collage, printing etc. etc. etc.  So that said, what you see will be the reality of what is going on- some may be blurry, under/over exposed, not well centered- but hey, that is real life and that is the whole point of this exercise- to capture real life- where we are in that moment in time. 

I'm looking forward to it and have decided to have our theme for the week be 'numbers and words'.  My project will run Sunday (this Sunday- yikes!) through next Saturday.  There will be people all over the www participating too.  They will be linked up through Ali's site and if by any chance you happen to be doing or decide to do this too, PLEASE let me know and feel free to join in! I'd love the company!  I think it will be a lot of work and a ton of fun!  Stay tuned for a week in our life....

1 comment:

  1. I'm so excited for this, Sarah!! You have an eye for capturing beautiful moments perfectly. That is a true gift. Can't wait to see a full week of your life in photos.
